My Rice Project


After reading many papers & watching many documentaries about sound, frequency and how it affects us, I decided to put my singing bowls to use and perform a little experiment of my own. My 50/50 left and the right brain tends to understand the science behind what the ancients knew innately.

My 30-day project started on April 1st, 2021.

I placed equal amounts of dry rice mixed with purified water in two glass jars.

They were both placed next to each other in a separate room.

Whilst Jar 1 (J1) did not receive any sound stimulation for the whole 30-day period, Jar 2 (J2) was taken to a different room where it received a 5-minute dose of sound healing from my Tibetan singing bowls.

On the very first day after receiving its 5-minute sound bath, J2 had what looked like an accumulation of moisture on the inside of the jar.


Was the rice in J2 breathing?

Did the resonance from the frequency received from the sound bath rearrange the frequency of the rice, the water and the air within the glass jar resulting in some physical activity resulting in the rice sweating?

Within days, I noticed that the colour of J2 remained white whilst J1 started to change colour.

I opened both jars to have a closer look & noticed whilst J2 had no odour, J1 released a pungent odour.

Within a few days, J1 kept deteriorating whilst J2 seemed to be happily fermenting without much change in the colour or odour.

This was carried out for the whole period of 30 days.

I stopped playing to J2 on the 30th of April. The photo above was taken on the 2nd of May.

The results:

It is undeniable from the photos that J2 was very much enjoying my regular sound baths.

In contrast, the J1 deteriorated, resulting in creating a black mould with an extremely unpleasant odour.

Now let me be honest; none of this is new to me. I have been reading about these kinds of experiments for a few years. I especially love Dr Emoto’s water consciousness experiments. But to experiment on my own was quite exhilarating.

So just a recap:

J2 was always placed on the right side of J1 every morning after it received its dose of sound healing.

Look at the picture again.

The rice in J1, which was closest to J2, is a lot lighter in colour than the rest of the rice in Jar 1 (on the left)

The most exciting finding of this experiment:

The 5-minute sound bath received by J2 not only maintained its own health, but it managed to transfer some of the healing resonance to the right side of J2.

Looking at the picture above, I think it would be fair to conclude that the power of high frequency can dissipate the low frequency. That goodwill always prevails.

Am I the only one jumping with joy and excitement, or are you sharing my sentiments?

My conclusion:

If sound received in the right frequency for a short period of time regularly can have such a profound positive effect on the quality of rice & its environment, imagine what it can do for us - the humans.

Receiving sound healing meditations and immersions regularly can rearrange our frequency to create an optimum environment (mind, body, spirit) where we can thrive and pass on all that positive high-frequency resonance to whoever comes in contact with us.

I invite you to listen to my “Free” 5-minute sound healing every day. Or if you’d like to get close and personal with my singing bowls, attend one of my live sound immersion meditations… sure to bring a bottle of water with you so that it too can receive the healing frequency of my bowls and then drink it or pass it onto someone you love.

My next project? I will be chanting light language to my plants.

Until then, remember listening to the right sound frequency regularly is a very SOUND decision.

Mitra - Pyramids Of Sound - A call to awakening